My DEVOPS Journey

My DEVOPS Journey

1st Blog


Hi folks, I'm Chris Jonathan! Iam currently in the final year of B.Tech in CSE branch. Exactly 3 months ago, I started thinking about my future and at the same time I realized that I've learned nothing in my that's useful to my career except some DSA and Web Development stuff which I have no interest in to keep it as my main tech. So, I decided to learn a new technology that's trending and which could be my main tech. And then, thanks to Kunal Kushwaha's Devops Bootcamp that shifted my focus to Devops, contributing to open source projects and remote work.


Iam Following:

What did I learn till now?

  • What is Devops and how it works in practical life?

  • I learned Golang and started to use it like I use Java which is my primary coding language.

  • Then basic Linux commands

  • Operating Systems Intermediate level

  • How the Networking works and stuff

This is all about my 1st blog regarding My Devops Journey and will be updating my new learnings frequently.